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Sunday, 23 February, 2025: 05:20
Havoc Hamsters
This Dart Team Name submitted by Washu Fitzgerald Kobayashi at 9:06 PM on 3/31/2001.
Steel-Tip Darts
Asuka's Basement Darts League
Yoshino Japan
Taka- team captain and a tic-tac addict
Washu- leading scorer, publicist, and kool-aid pyramid winner
Akira- equipment manager, MIP, and sharpens darts w/ his teeth
Mako- too busy kissing Asuka's brother to actually play darts
Asuka- great girl, small basement, has a pyscho hamster
team highlights- I scored over 50 for the first time ever. Mako made out with Asuka's brother upstairs so aggresively once that she fell down the basement steps. Asuka's mom bought us pizza (the first real american food I've had in months!!!) Taka used his darts for acupunture on his head. Akira threw up on the dart board after too much "tea" and we had to use Asuka's little sister's Japanese equivalent to Fisher Price dart board. and Akira shattered a plastic tip off the end. That's about it. We suck, don't we.