This Dart Team Name submitted by Debby Leonard at 12:59 PM on 1/5/98.
Steel-Tip Darts
Austin Dart AssociationAustin
Austin, TX
George Kane (ex-president of ADA) started the team in the late 1980's out of the Texas Showdown. The team has changed bars three times keeping the same name. We are currently playing out of Waterloo Brewing with 4 members who have been on the team since 1991. Be the Dart is the second longest team in existence of the ADA. (Leroy & Hoot will contest this, but we have the records) Current team members: Debby Leonard, Steve Wagner, Andi Wach Overall, John Slider- these 4 are the longtime members- Amy Putnam, Alan Stevens, Tex Elliott, Rich Rogers, & Carrie Glenn.